Neuseeland: Milford Sound, Mount Cook & Skifahren



Der letzte Teil unserer Reise durch Neuseeland war mein absoluter Favorit. Während wir früh morgens durch die Täler Richtung Milford Sound fuhren, konnte ich nicht anders, als ständig auf die Berge, das tausendste Schaf oder irgendwelche Bäume zu zeigen und zu rufen: Wie schön, schau mal Arvin! Arvin musste fahren, da ich mit der Kamera bewaffnet auf dem Beifahrersitz saß, jederzeit Bereit einen Fotostop auszurufen. 

The last part of our New Zealand Trip was my favorite. While we were driving to Milford Sound I could stop myself from pointing on every tree, sheep or mountain and say: Arvin, look, its so beautiful. Poor Arvin had to drive while I sat on my seat with the camera ready to announce numerous foot stops along the way. 

Am Milford Sound machten wir eine fantastische Bootsfahrt. Man kommt sich so winzig vor. Die Bilder werden der Größe und der Schönheit des Fjords gar nicht gerecht. Wir hatten Glück und konnten ganz viele Delfine und Seerobben sehen und hatten als Bonus strahlenden Sonnenschein. 

When we arrived in Milford we booked an amazing boat tour. The pictures do not do the beauty of the place justice. We were lucky and had sunshine and could observe dolphins and seals.

New Zealand captured in one shot: mountains, beautiful colors and countless sheep 

On the way to Milford sound. The color of the grass is not photoshopped! Its so beautiful (and a scenery from lord of the rings)

I think i forgot how the lake was called ...

Milford Sound

Can you spot the actually not so small boat? Than you can get an idea of how impressive this fjord really is.

Again: spot the boat :) 

Baby Seal!!!

Angry seal

flying seal

Dunedin hatte die schönsten Gebäude in ganz Neuseeland. Von hier aus fuhren wir zum Mount Cook Nationalpark. Während unserer ganzen reise hatte ich Angst, dass wir ausgerechnet hier schlechtes Wetter bekommen könnten. Aber wir hatten Glück, wir hatten strahlenden Sonnenschein und wanderten ein paar Stunden durch das Hooker Valley. Alles war genau so schön, wie ich gehofft hatte.

 We stopped for one night in Dunedin, which had the most amazing old buildings. After that we made our way to the Mount Cook national park. During the entire New Zealand trip I was so anxious that we might have bad weather when we want to see Mount Cook. But we were really lucky. We had blue skies and spent a few hours walking the Hooker Valley track to see Mount Cook. It was as beautiful as I hoped it would be.

Railway station in Dunedin

University of Canterbury, Dunedin

Arvin is angry because the birds wanted to steal his lunch

On the way to Mount Cook & scenery from Lord of the Rings

An avalanche that we could observe during our walk

Hooker Valley

Finally, Mount Cook!

I really love this view as you might have noticed :)
We decided that no trip to New Zealand during winter is complete without some skiing. Being spoiled with the most amazing ski areas in Europe we did not realize how small most ski regions in New Zealand are. We ended up in Round Hill, which had exactly three rope lifts, one of them (of course the best one) closed. But it was still a lot of fun, we spent our day with lazy skiing and amazing views.

Thats nearly the entire available ski area that was available when we visited Round Hill

Unsere letzten Stops waren Kaikoura und Christchurch. In Kaikoura hatten wir tatsächlich mal Pech, als unser Wal Beobachtungstrip abgesagt wurde. Aber es hat sich trotzdem gelohnt hinzufahren, Kaikoura war auch so ein schönes Städtchen. Unser letztes Stop war Christchurch. Es war wirklich deprimierend zu sehen, wie sehr die Stadt nach dem Erdbeben 2011 noch zerstört ist. Das Stadtzentrum wird derzeit komplett neu aufgebaut, sodass man entweder Ruinen oder Gerüste und Konstruktion sieht. Aber keiner der dort wohnt oder arbeitet, bis auf Handwerker. Es war sehr surreal. Aber die Vorstädte, in denen schon fertig gebaut wurde sind wirklich schön, genau so wie einige historische Straßenzüge die restauriert werden konnten und  die behelfsmäßige Kathedrale aus Pappe war auch wirklich toll. 

Our last stops were Kaikoura and Christchurch. We were a but unlucky in Kaikoura when our Whale watching trip got cancelled due to strong winds. But it was still worth going to this beautiful coastal town. Our last stop in New Zealand was Christchurch. It is really sad how much damage is still to see after the earthquake in 2011. The city centre is currently completely under construction, so all you can see are either ruins from the former city centre or the construction skeletons. But the outskirts in which construction is already completed are really nice and modern. The new temporary cathedral is made from cardboard and some of the historic streets are also already restored. 

Coast of Kaikoura

Lazy seal Colony

New Regent Street in Christchurch

The destroyed ChristChurch Cathedral

Earthquake memorial, 185 empty chairs for the persons that lost their lives

Cardboard Cathedral

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